Saturday, September 25, 2010

Super Dancer Online Game

KeyWord: super,dancer,open,beta,client

Summary: What is SDO? Is known as Super Dancer Online, a place where you can enjoy fantastic dance to the beat! The SDO is the online dance game where all can enjoy the great dance with simple key note input.

What is SDO? Is known as Super Dancer Online, a place where you can enjoy fantastic dance to the beat! The SDO is the online dance game where all can enjoy the great dance with simple key note input.

In SDO you will find variety of song ranging from soft ballads to heavy metal, English ; Chinese and Malay. It also give players an opportunity to experience different kinds of song composed by professional musicians. These are among the things that distinguish SDO from other music games. It is truly unique in every sense. The one and only online dance game and connect with our dancing pad. Isn't it great ?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm ready for UPSR !!!!

well... I'm ready for U.P.S.R . No more guilty , scared and stress in my body and brain. Perhaps , these are the few subjects I will be taking during the few days of U.P.S.R ...

21 Sept 2010 (Tues) : 8:15a.m. - 9:05a.m. ( code 011 Malay Language Paper 1 )
9:45a.m. - 11:00a.m.( code 012 Malay Language paper 2 )
11:45a.m. - 12:25p.m.( code 015/2 Mathematics Paper 2 )

22 Sept 2010 (Wed) : 8:15a.m. - 9:15a.m. ( code 015/1 Mathematics Paper 1 )

23 Sept 2010 (Thus) : 8:15a.m. - 9:30a.m.( code 018 Science )
10:15a.m. - 11:05a.m.( code 014/1 English Paper 1 )
11:45a.m. - 1:00p.m. ( code 014/2 English Paper 2 )
2:15p.m. - 3:45p.m. ( code 013 Aptitude Test Year 6 )

To my friends, please pray to God so that I can do well the exam. TQ~)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Story Of : Something You Forgot... Along The Way

SOMETHING YOU FORGOT ... ALONG THE WAY introduces sixty-five heart-warming stories that show what it means to learn from life's events. These simple yet beautiful tales invite us to look deeper into almost any situation in life. In the tradition of Aesop's Fables each story concludes with a moral lesson.

Chapter 1
Making the World Happier
A Smiling Face and a Word of Kindness

... "When you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one to a fellow creature." By doing this for ten years, he pointed out, one could make 3,650 people happy—the equivalent of making a charitable donation to an entire town. That would indeed be an act of charity in keeping with Śākyamuni's teaching to "have a smiling face and speak words of kindness." John Wanamaker (1838–1922) was a department store pioneer. One day, a young man came to apply for an advertised job opening in his store. Wanamaker himself conducted the interview, and the applicant answered every question with a firm "Yes" or "No." He was a strapping young man with impressive academic credentials, and no one present at the interview doubted he had nailed the job. Even so, Wanamaker turned him down.

"He seemed like a fine fellow," commented one of Wanamaker's aides. "Was there something about him you didn't like?"

Wanamaker explained, "He answered all my questions with a plain ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ instead of ‘Yes, sir,’ ‘No, sir.’ If he doesn't know enough to be polite to me, I doubt he would treat customers with the proper consideration. In my store, the customer always comes first. I couldn't possibly hire him." The story illustrates the power of a single word.

Wanamaker's employees used to say that one cheery "Good morning!" from the boss was enough to make them enjoy a week's work. Their joy in working translated into booming success for the store. People talk about serving society, but nothing does so much to make the world a happier place as a smile and a cheerful hello. Like a street performer, Wanamaker brought hope and cheer to all around him.

The worst skinflints are those who are stingy with smiles and hellos. All it takes to make others happy is a twinkle in the eye and a word or two, so don't hoard them. The Anglican clergyman Sydney Smith (1771–1845) said, "When you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one to a fellow creature." By doing this for ten years, he pointed out, one could make 3,650 people happy—the equivalent of making a charitable donation to an entire town. That would indeed be an act of charity in keeping with Śākyamuni's teaching to "have a smiling face and speak words of kindness."
( Will be continue on the next post... )

Velvety Mango Cheese Cake Recipe

130g plain flour, sifted with
1 tsp baking powder
150g castor sugar, 5 eggs
20g cake emulsifier
1/2 tsp mango essence
3 tbsp water

90g melted butter

2 tbsp gelatin powder
60ml water

250g cream cheese 90g castor sugar
180ml whipping cream
400g mango puree

300g whipped cream
Some sliced mango
Some apricot gel

1.CAKE: Put A into a mixer, whisk with high speed
until light and fluffy. Mix in B lightly and
pour the mixture into a greased and lined 25 com/
10"round baling tin. Bake in a pre-heated oven at
180 degree celcius until cooked and golden brown.
Remove cake and leave to cool. Slice cake into 2

2.MANGO CREAM: Put C into a small pot, stir and
cook with low heat until gelatin has dissolved.
Leave aside to cool. Put D into a mixer and cream
until very smooth. Add C and mix well.

3.Put one layer of cake in a 23cm/10" cake ring.
apply mango cream onto the cake and cover with
the top layer.Press lightly to stick well.
Chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours or
overnight till set. Remove the cake ring.

4.Cover the whole cake with whipped cream,
sliced mango on top and glaze with apricot
gel. Pipe cream shell around to cover the
edge. Chill in the fridge at least 6 hours or over-night
before cutting into pieces and serve.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


God created us in this world.. and the reason god created us is humans must learn to be good , kind , etc. But so far so long ... We are such a shit !~ Our assignment is to be a good , kind and doing good things.. but we done alot of bad thing such as... lying...stealing...kidnapping..scolding..rapping..and etc. so as my advice... we shall start changing our lifestyle.. change from bad to good.. WE CAN DO IT !~ it's nonsence if we really can't do it ... What I want to says is be kind... if we do good things.. good ending will come to u .. if we do bad things... bad ending will come to u... this is what it call " karma " ..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Love Always Win

Love has been said to be many things and one of them is that it always conquers all the hardships of a relationship. If you are in a relationship, one thing that you can be sure of is that you will have problems. They might be minor or they might be major. Love always wins and, this has not been seen to be the case in the recent past. This is because more and more marriages continue to break and, half of all marital or non marital unions will end in divorce or separation. If love always wins, why is this case? There is no simple answer for this. When you get married, you hope and wish that your love will prevail. However, there are factors and problems that simply prove to be too hard to handle. The following are some of the major causes that make a marriage to fall apart in the present world. First, it is the poor selection of mates. These days, men and women are more focused on the appearance of their mate rather than their values.

The superficial love proves to last a few months or years. Therefore, when you are single today, it is vital that you go beyond looks and realize that you need to find a mate who is wholesome. A partner who can best compliment you. It is better for you to wait a while before getting married and you get the right partner. There are people who often question whether there is ever such a thing as a 'right person'. This really depends on what you are looking for. One thing you can be sure about is that people will come with very many characteristics. Your work is to look at the values that might please you in a partner and when you find them, you will have found your perfect match. We sometimes complicate this process by looking for a person who is perfect. If you want perfection, you need also be to be perfect which you are not. Therefore, finding a right mate is cementing your relationship on a solid ground which cannot be shaken.

Once you have brought home the love of your life, there are other things like conflicts that may make you have tension in your relationship. Make up your mind and say that love always wins. With this attitude, you will be in a position to find a common ground where you can agree whenever you have problems. Therefore, the willingness to work out problems each time goes a very long way to make love conquer all. You need to keep in mind that love is not just words. In marriage, love is a lifestyle. It is something you show to the other person on a daily basis. If you are not willing to show it practically, it will be hard to maintain your union. Spend time together and have activities for each other. This way, instead of being strangers, you will be closer to each other and, this can only work best for your relationship.
Song title : Michael learns to rock - That's why you go away ( LOVE IS ALWAYS WINS !!! TAKE THIS NOTE :) )