Shooting without my look... actually... it's quite nice too by posing this style.. :P
Saturday, April 30, 2011
This is me ! Year 2011 , age 13.. ^_^
Shooting without my look... actually... it's quite nice too by posing this style.. :P
Thursday, April 21, 2011
How To Write A Song ?
- 1Stop thinking about writing songs, and start writing songs. You really want to be a famous star, don’t you? You daydream about being on stage and hearing the roar of the crowd. Only trouble is, gee whiz, you’re dreaming your life away. If you want to write a really good song, you’re going to have to work for it. Start today. Commit to writing a certain number of songs per week, the way successful authors commit to writing a thousand words a day.
- 2Listen actively to a lot of music. Good writers read books. Good songwriters listen to songs. As you listen, think about what you like about a song. Are the lyrics unique, do the song's chord changes perfectly capture a mood, do you like the transition from one part of the song to another?
- 3Get technical. You don't have to have a degree in music theory to write a good song, but you should have an understanding of how songs are built. This includes a basic understanding of harmony, melody, and rhythm. Harmony, Having to do with chord arrangements having harmonic qualities that blend with both the rhythmic feel and the melody of the song. A beginner would want to look into basic major and minor keys and chords which pertain to the given key they are working in. The I IV and V chords of any key can be thought of as a meat and potatoes way of writing a song as these three chords will accompany any melody that stays within the given key. There are infinite ways to structure a song, but there's a common sequence found in most of them (see Tips). As you listen to songs, try to identify the different parts. Check yourself by looking at lyrics online or in a music book; the parts of songs are often labeled in these media.
- 4Be ready when inspiration comes calling. Unfortunately, inspiration usually doesn't strike at the most convenient times, so it's important that you be able to remember each new song that pops into your head, no matter where you are. Carry a pen and paper with you wherever you go, or better yet, carry a tape recorder or digital audio recorder--melodies can be extremely difficult to capture on paper unless you have a strong music background.
- You can usually record yourself a memo on a cell phone, and if not, you can call yourself and leave a message of your singing or humming on your voice mail. Make sure you sing loud enough for the song to be clear when you listen to the message later; make people think you're crazy!
- It would be helpful if you have a musical instrument (e.g. Piano, keyboard, guitar, etc.) so that you can explore the music. An added advantage is that you can easily write down the notes (or tabs) when you have a tune. Try recording it for feedback.Guitars plug directly into computer mic jacks with an adapter. You can always go back to your recording. It helps. If you revise it, then record it again.
- 5Figure out what you've got. Once in a while, inspiration will hit you like a full force gale, and suddenly you have a full song out of nowhere. Most of the time, however, just a small piece of a potential song will come to you, leaving you to do the hard, but fun work of fleshing it out. You should have a feel for what part of the song you've come up with.
- If it's super catchy (either a lyrical phrase or a snippet of music), and you can envision it being a repeated theme in the song, you've got the refrain—the climax or summary of your musical story—and you need to write verses to explain how you know in detail.
- If what you've come up with seems more narrative lyrically or subtler musically — a part of a story rather than the main idea — you've probably got a verse, and you'll need to write the rest of the story (more verses) and, usually, a chorus.
- 6Set the mood. Make sure your music fits the story. If it is sad, then you may want your melody to evoke sadness (by slowing it down or adding some minor chords, for example) or you might want to add a twist and combine sad lyrics to upbeat music in order to create a sense of tension and ambiguity.
- 7Say something. A song can get by with poor lyrics, and you have a better chance of writing a really good song if your lyrics are great. This does not mean they have to be serious, but they should not be cliché or ho-hum. Write your lyrics as though you are talking to somebody who you want to impress or to someone toward whom you feel some sort of deep emotion.
- 8Make your words sing. Lyrics can appeal to emotions, and they should also appeal to the ear. There are a few different ways to do this. Words should fit with a rhythm you are creating in the song, and the way these words sound play an important part as well. Some words sound smoother than others (for example, "cool breeze" sounds smoother than "frigid wind.") Use the texture and character of words to add to the feeling of a song. Another useful tool for the song writer is rhyme. There are a variety of ways you can rhyme lines in a song to help tie the lyrics together. Learn about these and other tools of poetry, and try putting them to work for you.
- You can rhyme at the end of every line or every other line, or your rhymes can come more sporadically. You can also rhyme within lines for a more subtle effect. There are also other poetic devices you can use, such as alliteration ("They paved paradise, put up a parking lot"). The "p" sound is repeated. And, assonance ("...honesty, promise me I'm never gonna find you faking"). The repeated "ah" sound in "honesty", "promise" and "gonna"). However, do not burden yourself with rhyme! You can get away with making a phrase stand out by avoiding conventional means of fitting it into a song, and many successful songs do not rhyme at all.
- 9Strike a balance between repetition and variety. Repetition is what makes a song catchy; repeated choruses, for example, stick in our heads even when the rest of a song does not. It is easy to ask people to join you in a refrain, which is why it is usually called a chorus. That’s why so many people know just a few lines of so many songs. While thereare good songs that are so simple that they have no chorus and have the same line length, the same rhyme schemes, and the same chord progressions repeated throughout them, most people get bored with that. The most common way to add variety is to insert a bridge into your song.
- A bridge is a section of music, sometimes instrumental, that differs in its construction from the verses and the chorus, and is usually placed near the end of the song before the final chorus, where a verse would typically be. The bridge can be in a different key &mdash using a different set of chords — than the rest of the song, but it doesn't need to be. It can also be faster or slower, shorter or longer, or otherwise different from the other sections. Sometimes a bridge is followed by a shorter chorus, depending on the length of the bridge. Be aware that bridges can also refer to the transitions between verse and chorus, as this is a common usage of bridges.
- 10Look for the hook. The hook is that elusive part of a great song that captures your very soul and makes you want to listen to that song over and over. Hooks are frequently found in the chorus and often become the title of the song. Sadly, there is no recipe for hooks, but you'll know when you have one. Better yet, your friends will tell you, because it is the part of a song they can not seem to get out of their head.
- In Tommy Tutone's song "Jenny/8675309", the hook lyrics may be the numbers 8-6-7-5-3-0-9.
- In the Beatles' song "Happiness is a Warm Gun" the hook may be the ending part,Happiness is a warm gun, mama that repeats and fades.
- Good hooks let people remember your tune from your lyrics, even if they do not coincide. Many people can remember the riff from 'Smoke on the Water' from hearing the title.
- 11Smooth the rough edges. If the pieces do not fit together, try building a transition. Put all the sections of your song in the same key. If your song suddenly changes in tempo (speed) between the two parts, try gradually changing the speed as you enter and exit the section that does not fit with the rest of the song. Try adding a short instrumental interlude that will carry you from one part to the next. While it is possible that two parts should not be in the same song, it could be that you started one part with the wrong meter or wrong kind of beat.
- 12Get feedback. Play or sing your song for people and get their opinions. You’ll probably get a better idea of what they really think after you’ve written a few songs: friends and family may tell you that your first song is great even if it’s awful, but as they hear more of your songs, they’ll probably give you hints like, "It’s good, but I liked that first one you wrote better" or "Wow, that’s the best song you’ve written. That’s a really good song." Be prepared for a critic in the family that will accept nothing less than to hear it post-produced with all the bells and whistles that a band in a studio can offer.
- 13Once you've finished your first song, don't stop. Keep writing and practicing, and you'll find yourself getting better and better. You may need to write a lot of songs before you hit on one you really like, and even after that, you may need to write a lot more before you get another good one. Work hard and have fun doing it!
How To Become A Successful Person ?
What is success? Success is when you bask the glory. It is definitely success when you are getting some remarkable results. How to become a successful person? I do believe there are three important things: to know definition of your purpose, to know what your goals is and have a burning desire to accomplish that goals.
Do you know, what is your pre-encoded purpose? It is simple to know it from your context. E.g. if you handle something well and like to do it the most, it seems that it is your purpose to do it. If you still have not found your purpose, seize any opportunities to try something different from what you do everyday. If you find it, you will know and can loudly say to yourself: “This is my purpose to do this”. You can also refer to method proposed by Steve Pavlina in post “How to discover your life purpose in about 20 minutes” – I have tried it, and it works! Write down your propose and refer anytime you are setting goals and doing important decisions.
Do you know exactly what you want? What do you want to achieve in 5 years? How do you imagine yourself in one year? What will you do, if you know that in 6 months a thunderbolt will kill you? Is it the same thing which you are doing right now? If it is not so, you have to change your life. Set yourself a target you want to achieve and start going right now! You can refer to “How to Set Goals” manual at wikiHow. And even if you are not certain about is it the best target you can set or not – set it anyway. To have any goal set by yourself is better that not to set anything. If you do not do this, somebody else, like your boss, friend, partner, stranger or society will do it for you.
When you know your purpose and you have set a goal, do not procrastinate – do it now! Don’t play it safe, every day take any chance to move to your target. Imagine how you will feel, when you achieve it. Everyone should see a fire in your eyes. Feed yourself with motivation material, like this post, every morning on breakfast – and success will come. You can inspire youself by ideas from article “Cultivating Burning Desire“.
So if you want to be a successful person – now you know what to do. If it is still not clear – possibly you have to reread this again . Do it now!
Monday, April 18, 2011
A Sad Story About Friendship ... :(
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“Bye, you guys! See you next week!” I cried as my feet brought me running out of the school gates. I rushed back home with the feeling of passion to read the book I’ve just found. My heart leaped with joy as my house came into view.
Later that night, after I’m done with my homework, I lie down on my stomach, on the bed and started reading. The story went like this…
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
21st March 1973
Hi, there. I’m Kaoru Nakamura. I’ll just call myself Kaoru. To anyone who had found this journal, please spread the story in it to any best friends who are having a conflict right now or then.
I have a best friend. Her name is Kouru Masamoto and I call her Kouru. Our names were almost the same. It is just the spelling which made the difference. I love this friend of mine very much even though we are very different in common. As an example, I’m a perfect girl whereas Kouru was a bit of a tomboy and loves brutality. However, she is still a kind and helpful friend who understands my feelings even though she bullies me a lot.
The both of us were as thick as thieves. There was never a single problem in between the two of us. Not until one day…
A new boy came into our university and eventually, I fell in love with him. We started dating and my dear friend Kouru was deserted. I had never realized how sad she felt even though she has other companions around her. I thought it was okay to do what I’ve done until one day, she asked me a question.
“Say… Kaoru… err… How’s the kid? Umm… I mean the guy you’re dating with… Is he okay?” she asked, stammering.
“Don’t worry, Kouru. He’s okay,” I answered. “Why… this is the first time you asked about him haven’t you?”
“Err… Yeah,” she answered back. “It’s just that… I’m sort of… worried about you.”
“Aww… You don’t have to be that way,” I said. Then, I kissed her cheek. “I’ll be okay as long as I’m with my beloved Shinta (my boyfriend). Okay?”
She nods her head and asked me to hurry before I’m late for my date. On that moment I thought she really doesn’t care about my ignorance towards her but I was wrong. Dead wrong.
3rd July 1973
It is already three months and twenty-one days since I started ignoring my friend, Kouru. The power of passionate love (Writer: Yuck!!) had over powered me. The true love from Shinta made me forgot about the world around me. It even affects my grades where it increases rapidly instead of decreasing. Well, Shinta is not like the other guys which only wanted women for fun. But, he wanted me to pay attention in class and be successful. I think this was what made me attracted to him like crazy. I thought it is okay to leave Kouru all alone until one day…
One day, I received news from one of Kouru’s friends telling that she’s sick. I felt sympathetic and asked Shinta to come together with me to pay her a visit. As I reached into her house, I met up with her adopted mother(Kouru was an orphan) and told her my intentions. I was invited into the house with a friendly manner and was brought to her room. I entered the room alone and it was jet black inside.
“Kouru?” I called out to her. There was no response. I feel about for the switches and found it at last. I saw her, sitting on her bed with a little penknife at her right hand that was directed to her left arm. I was extremely surprised and quickly snatched the penknife before she really cuts herself.
“What the heck are you trying to do!?” I asked, scolding her. “If you cut that part of your arm, you’ll die, you know.”
She kept quiet and stares at me with rebellious eyes. She stood up and pushed me away.
“Who are you!?” she asked hysterically. “I don’t know you!? Get out!!!”
“Kouru!” I cried. “It’s me, Kaoru. Your best friend! Argh! What is wrong with you!?” I asked, trying to dodge away from the things she threw.
“GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, BETRAYER!!!!” she screamed.
I was quite surprised to hear what she had said when suddenly a hand pulls me out of the room. It was Kouru’s mother and she persuades me to go home first as Kouru is not in a very good condition. I forced myself to listen to her and dragged my feet home together with my loyal Shinta by my side.
13th October 1973
Today, I went out on an errand with Shinta. It was a day full of crowds and the streets were full of people as it was Saturday. I tried my best to dodge from the people passing by. I felt lucky as Shinta is holding on to my hand tightly to keep me in guide. I just felt sad as Kouru is not the one who is holding it as usual.
I reached home as usual and went to the kitchen to put down the groceries I had just bought. My mother asked me to go into my room instantly and I wondered why. In my room, I discovered Kouru, lying on my bed. She saw me and stood up quickly. She suddenly hugged me and whispered into my ear, “I don’t wanna be your friend anymore.”
She then walks out of my room towards the house entrance and left. I sat down in the condition of surprised and cried. “Why?” I thought. “Why? What have I done!?”
14th October 1973
I ran into her today. She apparently ignored me. I felt so sad. I don’t know what to do. So, decided to ask an advice from Shinta. He told me that he’s also feeling guilty because he had been the reason of the alienation between me and Kouru. He said that the both of us have to apologize to her. I agreed and we set up a time to meet her…. But, unfortunately, something unexpected happened on that day…
17th October 1973
I was waiting for Kouru to meet up with us on 8.00pm that night. She was ten minutes late and reached us with her body drenched with sweat.
“Quick!” she said. “There’s no time to talk. We’re in danger!”
She dragged me and Shinta to the university’s clock tower. “It’s like this,” she started explaining. “There is a gang of bad guys searching for you and this boy of yours. I bet they might be among the men you had let down and I think that they are jealous about your relationship. They told me that they wanted to kill the both of you!”
“You’ve got to be serious, Kouru,” said Shinta. “This is no fun.”
“Why the heck should I lie to the two of you?” she cried. “By the way, it was you who took Kaoru from me. So, YOU are the evil villain here.”
“Why you…!”
Then, suddenly the gangsters entered the clock tower and without any warning, Kouru attacked them. I gasped in horror, seeing the violence happening in front of me. It was too unbearable to be watched, especially when your own best friend is the victim.
Kouru had defeated almost all of them except one. She seemed to have a little problem fighting with him, maybe because she’s already tired. Shinta and I weren’t able to do anything as she had threat us. But, when she almost falls of the tower, Shinta started to get into action. He hit the gangster at the neck and made him faint but, it was too late for him to grab Kouru’s clinging hand as she had slipped because of the pouring rain. We gasped in horror and rushed down to inspect her condition.
We reached the last flight of stairs and rushed outside into the rain. Then, there I saw her, lying down, lifeless. There was blood everywhere.
“KOURU!!!!” I shout out of grief. I ran to her side and clutched her. “KOURU! KOURU!!!!!”
I looked into her face and saw her eyes slowly opening.
“Kouru!?” I called out to her. She smiled and touched my face.
“Quite a terrible way to commit suicide, huh?” she said, weakly.
“Commit suicide!?” I asked, demandingly. “What do you mean by that!?”
“Hmph… I’m just kidding,” she answered weakly. “Don’t be too naive.”
I felt my eyes watering. “Kouru,” I said. “Both Shinta and I wanted to apologize for our feeling less act. He’s sorry for bringing the alienation between the two of us and I… I’m sorry… for ignoring you. I’m so sorry. We’re so sorry. Please forgive us.”
She smiled again pulled my face slowly to hers. She, then kissed my forehead and said, “It’s okay. I had long forgiven you both. It’s just that…” she reached for Shinta’s hand and attached it to mine’s. She then, continued. “It’s just that I want the both of you to be together… Forever… Shinta, look after her properly, please.”
“Mark my words, Kouru,” Shinta answered. “I’ll never leave her side.”
“I’m glad to hear that…” she said. She looked into the sky and smiled.
“I finally get to meet with you guys again,” she said in a low, almost unheard voice.It seemed like she is not talking to us, but she’s talking to the ‘thing’ she’s seeing in the sky. She held out her hand to the sky and her breath sounded like it’s getting out of her body. She then, died in my clutches, peacefully, smiling.
18th October 1973
After attending Kouru’s funeral, I returned home. However, I still regretted the wrong I had done. I cried as much as I can and in my heart, I prayed for her spirit’s peace.
This is the end of my journal. Hope you people take a lesson in what I’ve written. Thank you…
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
I closed the book. My heart felt an intangible sense of sadness overwhelming me. Slowly, two large tears dropped onto the book. I remembered the friendship of Tifa and me which is now in a bad condition. Well, not very, but without any logical reason I felt like I don’t want to be her friend anymore. I thought of our memories together and I think that it is worth an apology.
The very next day, I met up with Tifa at the park. As soon as I saw her, I ran towards her and hugged her.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “…very sorry.”
“Are you saying that you’ll forgive me?” she asked.
I nodded.
“We are going to be friends forever and ever and ever, right?” she asked again.
I smiled and hugged her again. “Yes,” I answered. “Forever and ever and ever…”
The End
Sunday, April 17, 2011
A very sad story about a GIRL and a BOY :(
You love me.I hate u.We can go like this on forever but time is slow and im waiting for something 2 happen.Will i love u bk? Will u not love me?im sick of waiting i've dated alot of guys non of them make me happy it always end in a sad story not like the ones my mom used to read to come only in fairy tales there a happy ending but in real life theres only sad ending.Can we change that? or will are lifes just be a sad ending that playing over and over.I know your sad in side you try 2 act happy when u see me but i can tell your not happy by your eyes.I think im starting to love you bk.Will i tell in time that i love you to? how will i tell you? if i tell you will you laugh at me and say "well well look who's here sorry but after all these years i've moved on" then will you run over to some girl who you think will make you happy? Will you make me happy? Will i make you happy? All these questions so little time.I think its time i tell you i love you.
I love you.You hate me.I wish you could be mine forever.Im going crazy with out you im sad everyday.When i see you with over guys i cry inside but i try to look happy on the inside so i won't make you feel sad.Your the only girl for me.I have gone to the point where i can't sleep,eat,life without you.I have given up on everything.I sit on my bed thinknig about you.Your so perfet from the way your hair moves to your body.I just want hold you in my arms.This madness has to stop.I grab a peice of paper and write "i love u" on it.I shall keep it in my hand and use my other hand to hold the gun.Im sorry but for everthing to be right agian i must kill myslef.I hope you don't see this.I cry as i point the gun.Now my time is up goodbye
I open your door just in time to see the gun "NOOO" i yell as i run to you but i was to late the gun as gone off and u fall to the floor blood slowly poured from your head and my eyes wacth in shock as you fall.
I heard you yell.I turn and looked at you "im sorry" slowly esacpe my lips as i fried the gun and drop slowly fall to the floor.
I run to your body after you fell.I cryed on you saying "get up im going to get help" as i get up you grab my arm and i look at you.
"Wait" i say as im holding on to your arm.I hold up my arm and open my hand and show you the note that said "i love you".
I cryed even more after seeing that note "i love you to." I keened down be sided you and lays my head on you crying.
I similed and pated your head "i wish we could have been a couple"
I cryed even more after hearing you say that "me to. im sorry i didn't feel about you the same way intell now"
"Its ok" I hald your hand and slowly closed my eyes and died
I screamed to the world "DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!" i hoped you heard me in the spirt world. "PLEASE I LOVE YOU TO MUCH." I grabed the gun with one of my hands.The other one was in your hand.Tears droped from my face as i pointed the gun to my head and pulled the trugger and i fall on to your body and similed.At least where both happy and we can be togerther forever.Fiallny a happy ending just for us.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up ( Lyrics )
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Managing Your Study Time - Study Skills
There are only so many hours in a day, a week, and a term. You cannot change the number of hours, but you can decide how to best use them. To be successful in school, you must carefully manage your study time. Here is a strategy for doing this.
Prepare a Term Calendar
At the beginning of a term, prepare a Term Calendar. Update it as the term goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Term Calendar.
- Record your school assignments with their due dates and your scheduled tests.Record your planned school activities.
- Record your planned school activities.
- Record your known out-of-school activities.
Prepare a Weekly Schedule
Each Sunday before a school week, prepare a Weekly Schedule. Update it as the week goes on. Here is what to do to prepare a Weekly Schedule.
- Record your daily classes.
- Enter things to be done for the coming week from your Term Calendar.
- Review your class notes from the previous week to see if you need to add any school activities.
- Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved during the week.
- Be sure to include times for completing assignments, working on projects, and studying for tests. These times may be during the school day, right after school, evenings, and weekends.
Prepare a Daily Organizer
Each evening before a school day, prepare a Daily Organizer for the next day. Place a √ next to each thing to do as you accomplish it. Here is what to do to prepare a Daily Organizer.
- Enter the things to do for the coming day from your Weekly Schedule.
- Enter the things that still need to be accomplished from your Daily Organizer from the previous day.
- Review your class notes for the day just completed to see if you need to add any school activities.
- Add any out-of-school activities in which you will be involved the next day.
Your Weekly Schedule should have more detail than your Term Calendar. Your Daily Organizer should have more detail than your Weekly Schedule. Using a Term Calendar, a Weekly Schedule, and a Daily Organizer will help you make the best use of your time.